Science and technology workers scientific ethics

Academic misconduct refers to the violation of academic norms, academic ethics, internationally used to refer to fabricated data (fabrication), tampering data (falsification) and plagiarism (plagiarism) three acts. But a manuscript cast, occupation of academic achievements, forged academic resume and other acts can also be included. Academic misconduct in the world, all historical periods have occurred, but as China is so flooding, serious to the point known as academic corruption, it is rare. This is not only manifested in many violators, frequent occurrences, various scientific research institutions are found, but also in the performance from the academicians, professors, associate professors, lecturers to graduate students, undergraduates at all levels. Because of the lack of academic norms in China, academic and moral education, science and technology workers in the study, research process of misconduct, often due to academic norms, lack of understanding of academic ethics, lack of knowledge caused. Therefore, it is an important measure to curb academic corruption and ensure the healthy development of academic research in China by conducting academic norms, academic moral education and preventive measures for scientific and technological workers.
As early as 2007, the China Association for Science and Technology issued scientific and technical workers scientific and ethical norms, review this specification, with a view to the experimental animal science and technology workers in the research process, to create a healthy academic research atmosphere.
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 In order to promote the scientific spirit, strengthen the construction of scientific morality and style of study, improve the innovation ability of science and technology workers and promote the prosperity and development of science and technology, the China Science and Technology Association in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations to develop "science and technology workers scientific ethics."
Article 2 This specification applies to the National Association of Science and Technology of China, associations, research associations and other scientific and technological workers.
Article 3 Scientific and technical workers should adhere to scientific truth, respect the laws of science, advocate rigorous and realistic style of study, the courage to explore innovation, abide by professional ethics, and maintain scientific integrity.
Article 4 The scientific and technological workers shall promote the development of science and technology talents and popularize scientific and technological knowledge for the purpose of developing scientific and technological undertakings and prospering academic thoughts, promoting economic and social progress. To the country prosperous, national revitalization, service the people, build a harmonious society as their responsibility.
Chapter II Academic Ethics
Article 5 Academic research shall search the relevant literature or understand the relevant research results, and must respect the intellectual property rights in the publication of papers or other forms of reporting on scientific research.
Article 6 Respects the object of study (including human and non-human subjects). In the study of the human body, the legitimate rights and interests of the subjects and personal privacy must be protected and the right of informed consent must be protected.
Article 7 In observing the principle of honesty and objective in terms of project declaration, project design, data collection and analysis, publication of scientific research achievements, confirmation of the contribution of scientific research staff, etc. Errors and errors in published research should be made public and recognized in an appropriate manner.
Article VIII honest and rigorous cooperation with others. Patiently treat academic criticism and question.
Article 9 Public research results, statistical data, etc., must be realistic, complete and accurate.
Article 10 to collect and publish data to ensure the effectiveness and accuracy, to ensure that the experimental records and data integrity, real and safe, for inspection.
Article 11 Professionals who make substantial contributions to the results of the study have the copyright. Only for the general management of research projects or auxiliary workers, do not enjoy the copyright.
Article 12 The results of the cooperation shall be signed in the order of the magnitude of the contribution to the research results (except for signatures or agreements). The originator shall be responsible for the part of his contribution, and shall be reviewed and signed by himself before publication.
Article XIII research results in academic journals or academic conference before the publication (except for contract restrictions), should not be released to the media or the public.
Article 14 No scientific research activities shall be used to obtain improper interests. Correctly deal with the direct, indirect or potential interests that exist in scientific research activities.
Article 15 Scientific and technical workers shall be obliged to popularize scientific and technological knowledge, disseminate scientific ideas and scientific methods. Against the fabrication of scientific and technological events that do not conform to the facts, and the news speculation on science and technology events.
Article 16 to resist all violations of scientific and moral research activities. If the work is found to be malpractice or harm, it shall promptly suspend or adjust or even terminate and notify the competent department of the study.
Article 17 In the training of graduate and young researchers, scientific morals and codes of conduct should be imparted. Selection of academic leaders and relevant scientific and technological personnel, scientific ethics and style should be one of the important basis.
Chapter 3 Academic misconduct
Article 18 Academic misconduct refers to the acts of fraud, plagiarism, plagiarism and other violations of the scientific community in scientific research and academic activities.
Article 19 Intentional misrepresentation, fabrication of data or results, destruction of the integrity of the original data, tampering with experimental records and photographs, making false statements in project applications, filing, filing and filing applications, providing false prizes Certificates, papers published proof, literature reference and so on.
Article 20 Whoever infringes or damages the copyright of another person shall intentionally omit the reference to the publication of others, copy the works of others, and tamper with the contents of others' work; unauthorized use of the information in the manuscript or subsidy application examined by himself, Or research plan published or disclosed to others or for their own use; the achievements attributed to the study did not contribute to the person who will make a substantial contribution to the research work excluded from the list of authors, transgressive or unreasonable demands of the author or co-author Identity.
Article 21 When the results are published, one draft is made.
Article 22 The use of improper means to interfere with and interfere with the research activities of others, including the deliberate destruction or deduction of the necessary equipment, documentation, and other scientific property related to others' research activities; the deliberate delay in the review of the project or results of others , Evaluate the time, or make an unquestionable argument; set an obstacle to the review of the competition item or result.
Article 23 Participates in or conspires with others to conceal academic misdeeds, including participation in the academic fraud of others, conspiracy with others to conceal their misconduct, to supervise dereliction of duty, and to retaliate against the complainant.
Article 24 Participates in the review and peer review work that is independent of their own proficiency; in the event of a direct, indirect or potential conflict of interest in the review of various projects, institutional evaluations, publications or research reports, awards Objective, accurate and impartial evaluation; bypass the review organization and direct contact with the object of assessment, to receive the object of assessment gifts.
Article 25 Participation in commercial advertising in the name of academic groups and experts.
Chapter 4 Supervision of academic misconduct
Article 26 The Special Committee on Science and Technology Workers 'Ethics and Rights and Interests of the Science and Technology Association of China shall be responsible for the propaganda and education of scientific morality and construction of the style of study, supervise the national society and its members, relevant scientific and technological workers to carry out scientific and moral standards, establish members' academic integrity files, Conduct records of individuals involved in academic misconduct and inform the Chinese Association for Science and Technology.
Article 27 The investigation of academic misconduct should follow the principles of lawfulness, objectivity and impartiality. Should respect and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, the whistleblower to provide the necessary protection. In the investigation process, the precise grasp of the definition of academic misconduct.
Article 28 The Special Committee on Science and Technology Workers' Ethics and Equity of China Science and Technology Association shall pay attention to social supervision and complaints about academic misconduct and entrust relevant societies, organizations or departments to conduct fact investigation and put forward opinions.